Children First ABA Clinic offers Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and social skills intervention services to children with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities in a clinic-based setting. Our focus on individualized treatment truly puts the child's needs and interests first!
Spotlight: Individualized Treatment
At Children First ABA Clinic we realize each child is their own person. We believe each child's treatment plan should be as unique as they are. At Children First ABA Clinic this means not only individual goals but individual reinforcers as well. Here are just some of the individualized reinforcers the children in our program have recently chosen and worked hard to earn.
Gummies, CheezIts, and goldfish are often favorite reinforcers but ...
... what about pickles?
Swinging is often a favorite activity but...
... how about climbing a rock wall?
Even more individualized reinforcers include...
Playing in a pool with shaving cream in the middle of the kitchen...
"Chicken Time"
The client (with parent's permission) was able to take one of our recently hatched chickens for a walk in a stroller ...
We even created an "elevator" for a client who liked to be in an elevator and push buttons.